Blog post #16

My favorite revision strategies I learned this semester in English 110 is the peer review and revising their comments afterwards, if I agree with it. I didn’t really like any of the other revision strategies because they seem to complicate the paper too much, making a paragraph seem like a math equation. For example, I think that the highlighting method where you locate the different part of your paragraph seems to me like it’s over complicating a paragraph. However, I think that the peer review is a very helpful method of revision or method to kick off the revision process because you’re taking your peers perspectives and adding them to your own. So far I haven’t had to write anything for another class, so my answer is no. But I think that the TRIAC paragraph model with help me in future classes or is I ever have to argue my opinion for a meeting or panel of some sort. I don’t think that this will be very helpful for writing research papers because research papers do not usually include personal opinions, research papers only include facts. Since I no longer have to take any more English classes, I’ll only be using the knowledge obtained this semester in science-type papers, but I think that it will help in that sense. I think it will help me make claim sentences that are clear and go along with my thesis. I also think that it will definitely help me when quoting things and making quote sandwiches.

One Comment

  1. Thank you for your honesty. I agree with you that true revision complicates a first draft. In fact, it can often make a huge mess of a paper, and as the writer cleans up, the essay can settle into a stronger, clearer draft. It’s kind of like cleaning out a disorganized desk. Sometimes, you have to empty the drawers before reorganizing. I also want to encourage you to reconsider your comment on the research paper. While a paper may strive to relay facts, the writer does not wish to relay obvious facts, but new insights, a synthesis of disparate sources. While this synthesis may continue to be factual, I still believe that many of ENG 110’s principles continue to apply.

    As you revise for your ePortfolio, try to expand your final sentence. How, specifically, can you transfer ENG 110 knowledge to other areas of your student life?


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