- Yo-Yo Ma’s essay, “Necessary Edges: Arts, Empathy, and Education” was originally published online. I was published on a website called the WorldPost, which is an online news and blog site. The authors bio identifies him as a very successful cellist and songwriter. It goes on to say where he attended school and what other people have been published on the same website.
- Well the circumstances surrounding my personal reading experience is that I had to read it for homework and annotate it. Then later after going over it in class in the future, we will most likely be writing an essay about it.
- The rhetorical situation of this essay is that Ma is addressing the fact that many school around the world are trying to focus their education on STEM in an attempt to hold a spot in today’s hyper-competitive economy. This essay is directed at people on the board of education districts and their students to push for the teaching and importance of the arts in school. Ma believes art is important to teach in school because it highlights empathy, collaboration, flexible thinking, and disciplined imagination.
Words I didn’t know:
aggregator- (def. given when Googled) a website or program that collects related items of content and displays them or links to them.
magnate- (def. given when Googled) a wealthy and influential person, especially in business.
bolster- (def. given when Googled) support or strengthen; prop up.
You did a good job addressing each context. 3/3