Blog post #3

In “How Painting can Transform Communities,” a TED talk by Jeroen Koolhaas and Dre Urhahn, they spoke about how they believed in the power of a finished house and some paint can help a struggling community. Haas and Hahn started their journey in Rio to make a documentary. After making the documentary they decided to stay and do this project in the poor neighborhood of Rio, they decided to plaster some houses and then paint them. But they painted a scene of a boy flying a kite, and later installed a red kite higher up the hill to satisfy the children. Their next project was painting a road with the help of a local tattoo artist that specialized in Japanese style tattoos. With the help of the tattoo artist and the help of other community members, they turned a road into a river with colorful Japanese coy fish. After their first project they started getting some major recognition in multiple media sites and eventually got a request to paint some buildings in Philadelphia. They believed that they were truly helping these people by bringing them joy and also giving many of them a paying job while they help paint.

In “Is Art a Waste of Time,” Southan is inform his audience about a group call Effective Altruism, which is a self-less devotion to helping people in need or in third world countries over being happy or having a career that you enjoy. Southan is trying to finish a very dark comedy when he joins a group of EAs to a village in England. As he begins his journey, he quickly finds out that most of the people he’s with believes that the work that he is doing is a waste of time and resources. All throughout his time spent with the EA, Southan is exposed to the mind set that art helps no one and is a major waste of time and resources. The people creating art could be spending their time doing something that would make more money and be more beneficial to more people in need. But overall, Southan wasn’t ready to give up his passion to devote himself to something that intense.

The connection I made between the two is that both sides believe they are helping. The EA is helping in a more physical way, while Haas and Hahn are helping in a way that brings light and happiness to the people that live in tough places. I think that Haas and Hanh’s project will be more memorable and could attract more tourists which would make the economy in the favela better. But directly giving money would be a quicker way to help out.

One Comment

  1. elishaemerson

    You have done a good job writing about the two texts. You have also done a good job forming connections. Continue to strive after that cohesive center. That last paragraph seems like it is a step away from becoming a strong thesis.What do you have to say about art’s relevance in a hurting world?

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